Yes, it is like talking to a brick wall sometimes but now you can learn how to deal with difficult people. This workshop takes the frustration, confusion, and stress out of dealing with uncivil behavior.
Difficult People
Dealing With Difficult People
Suitable for managers, sales people, customer service representatives, government employees, negotiators, and all those who want to improve the quality of their communication and relationships, this 2-day workshop will help you master the art of dealing with difficult people.

Dealing With Difficult People   |   2 Days   |   $895 + HST

In this two-day seminar, you will learn and practice skills that will help you deal with difficult people, effectively and painlessly, in all areas of your life. You will learn:

This fun, informative workshop is enriched by discussions, hands-on exercises, role plays, and group problem-solving. The lessons learned in this workshop will have far-reaching benefits to enrich your relationships and increase your personal effectiveness while reducing stress and uncertainty.

free after class support

Free After-Class Support

We provide free after-class support by phone or email for every student.

To learn more about this or any other part of our training, call us toll free at 1-888-922-1132 or email:

where to find us

Where to Find Us

Our classrooms are located at:

Call for address

class schedules

Class Schedules

Classes run from 9am to 4pm daily with a one-hour break for lunch.

For 3 or more people, on-site training can be arranged.

Dealing With Difficult People
2 days